Saturday, April 7, 2012

Much to discuss!!

So yeah.... I know I'm not suppose to tell everyone..."sorry I haven't written in a while, so I am going to tell my self. Gosh Darn it candy!!! You need to remember your passwords to your different accounts!!" There you go I feel better now. haha
But really, over the course of the semester I have had my ups and my downs. I have dealt with stress and with temptations. Some of those stresses and Temptations I even gave in too (darn you chocolate cake!) but through it all I was able to lose 11.6 lbs. I feel loads better about myself and about how I look. Each week I met with my nutritionist, we decided that I needed to be on a diet of 1200 calories per day. This was really difficult because you had to count calories! I found some great foods! My favorite breakfast was these oatmeal packets that only have 100 calories in them! With this I would usually add a little milk less than and 1/8 of a cup. Then I would eat a banana as well. Great breakfast total calories around 150. For lunch or right before I work out I've learned that this is when you have a majority of your carbs! So I took some whole wheat spaghetti and cooked it then Id add some chopped broccoli some butter and some Italian seasoning. This meal is really tasty, Calories around 300. And for dinner I would eat a 4oz piece of chicken breast that has been cooked in balsamic vinegar and some couscous. Delicious! Total Calories around 400. I also drank around 10-15 glasses of water on average. How I got through is was sucking on Sugar free Jolly Ranchers or chewing sugar free gum this is a little trick my Trainer taught me! It really works it gives you a little sweetness to your mouth tricking your body in to thinking that its getting the same amount of sugar that it is used too.

I have also been going to counseling! I love it! It gives me a safe place for me to talk about things in my life that I need help with, especially just by helping me processes things more rationally rather than emotionally. I feel loads better already but i'm not done! I want to move my goals to focus on achieving something! Still trying to decide what.... Any ideas?

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