Friday, May 4, 2012

Back to the Future

I started a new semester at school and which is also the start of a new workout program. I have worked out a few times but to be honest, working out is really hard when you don't have a trainer or someone there telling you to keep going. I might get a personal trainer, at the school they are free.  I have also been looking up supplements that "might" help me with my weightloss. One thing I noticed a lot of them have caffine in them and they also have aloe vera in them. ...... so does that mean If I take aloe vera pills and drink a dew every day I'll lose weight? lol NO.  I found some aloe vera pills and I also found this aloe drink. Aloe Vera is a natural laxitave and since I have been taking it I have  seen much negative reactions from it. I have always wondered about aloe it seems to have so many different uses, its probablly the cure for cancer too. Aloe Vera cures everything from the common cold to cancer! lol. With the caffine thing..... yeah I think that is just for the lazy to tired to get off the couch and work out. Or just the "thrill" of having your heartbeat so fast you pass out! =D   But seriously, what I have learned about weightloss is that it's not just working out that causes you to lose weight. A huge part of weight loss is just changing the way that you eat; your portions, quantity, quality, and how often you eat. One thing that I have been doing is reducing the amount of red meat that I eat, as well as reducing the amount of Carbs. I love carbs! I love pizza I love hamburgers I love pancakes I love french toast!  But even more powerful I love the way that people act around me when I am healthy! I love seeing my pants get to big so I have  to tighten my pants; or the ability to take them off without unbuttoning them! But the biggest reward is knowing that I am becoming more healthy. Because I am taking charge of my weight my Insillin Resistance problems will greatly improve! There are so many things that I want to do with my life I don't want to waste my time and money worring about my health. I will be healthier.

So with all my weightloss, I decided that I needed to start figuring out my style in fashion. I have never giving it much thought I have always just put on whatever works many times this was cloths from the DI. I have the same shirt in 7 different colors. I have long thought about it and was like I have NO fashion sence!!! I have even conpemplated entering myself on TLC's What Not to Wear. So I started a new board on Pinterest. Go and check it out!

So as I am working on myself, I hope that my story will help others want to start their own change to become a better person and work toward that unselfish, professional, and self modivated you!

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Candy, thanks for your posts! They always either cheer me up or make me think... this one definitely made me think... I have a fast metabolism so I don't think about my diet much, but I am super-duper unhealthy! I really need to change the food I eat and my portion sizes - thanks for bringing me back to reality. I really love seeing you at the office lately; you're such a fun girl with such an awesome personality! Best of luck on your new workout regimen. Let me know if I can help with anything!
