Thursday, January 26, 2012

Meeting My Food Eating Problem

Dear Candy,

So far in your 21 years of life you have eaten like crap. Some of which is the result of the place of where you have lived. Too many Carbs and Starches and not enough exercise. To start out if you want to lose weight start with eliminating all heavy carbs! NO pancakes No waffles No thick breads No potatoes No hamburger buns. Things that are ok rices, and rice products, whole wheat noodles, wheat germ, cracked wheat, oatmeal. EAT FRUITS AND VEGGIES. EAT LEAN MEATS, CHICKEN, AND FISH. And LOTS of exercise with a focus on cardio. At least getting the heart rate above 130 for at least 15 minutes. ATLEAST!!!! BUT EVERY DAY!! Drink at least 2 full large water bottles every day. Take ALL medication on a REGULAR basis!! Take herbs as well. GET ENOUGH SLEEP! At least 8 hours. WHEN DEALING WITH STRESS... REMEMBER THAT THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW!


Your sh**y eating habbits,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I WIN I WIN I WIN!!! I just got my letter from the school saying that I am up for the Biggest Winner YAY me!! So the competition begins! I go to my nutritionist this week and meet with my group. I am really excited and modivated in this workout program! I want to change my life for the better! I want to be the person that I know I am capable of.

On my trip to Greece and Turkey while we are in Ephesus, we had the oppertunity of singing "How Great Thou Art" and "Amazing Grace" the spirit was so strong, I loved it I loved how beautiful it was. And I had the oppertunity of leading the group. I love singing. I love the spirit that comes when

Friday, January 20, 2012

the test is in!!

So I finished all of my paper work for the biggest loser today and handed it in. YAY So I know this is something I don't want to admit but its aways healthy to disclose to those who are here for me to support me and love me. So my test results is that I weight 187.8 lbs, with a 33.25% body fat index. I am 5'3". yes, I am obese. But that does not define who I am! I am a strong, powerful, and independent women! Mybest friend Kevin, has always been there for me, and especially through this kind of problem. He has always told me to focus on a pound a week, and not nessisarily a lot of weight in a short period of time, because that is when you just gain it back plus some. I don't want to do that, I want to improve my standard of living and my health. So...... these are my befores..... yeah..... gross. But this is where I stop doing things as I have an make the change to do better. So my goals for this journey is by the end of this semester to be at least 15 lbs lighter, with a 27% body fat. progress for the sake of progress, over the next year I want to weight 145 lbs. with a 25% body fat. This is my goal. But I just want to feel and look better, that is the ultimate goal.

Monday, January 16, 2012

First Step

One of my very dear friends that I have been able to talk to about a lot of the problems in my life. She is also a health major here at school, she told me about the "Biggest Winner" Competition. Just like the "Biggest Loser" on TV, it helps those of us that have more than just an extra 5 food baby pounds. But it also has the group enviroment that I believe that will help me to sucseed. I am driven to make changes in my life and especially when I know that people are going to be behind me pushing and supporting me to do better but at the same time not pushing me over. I love my mom but it annoys me when she thinks by reading a church article that, that will change everything. And mom if your reading this, I love you. I am like my Grandma Murdock I am a very stubborn, independent person and unfortionatly some lessons I'm not going to learn untill I shoot that high powered rifle and it SMACKS me in the face! lol. But my personal goal is to loose 20 lbs. I know I need to loose more than that, and after I reach 20lbs I will reset my goal if I feel (and the doctor) feels like I need too. I start the Biggest Winner on the 20th. Oh and I saw this picture on a friends Facebook, and I thought it was hillarious!!! We should start mass producing them and giving them to the guys on Campus!!! lol

Sunday, January 15, 2012


One of my good friends came and hung out with me this weekend, and we were talking about my journey and he made the note that one of the things that will help all the rest of my life's goals is my spirituality. Becomeing a true desiple of Christ. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundently." John 10:10 Christ came to earth and suffered more than any mortal man will ever have to suffer to save each of us expecially me so that I can return to live with my father in heaven again. But also so that I can experience happiness and be able to recognize the difference from saddness. I have my days when I'm really unhappy, when everything in the world seems to be getting me down when my thoughts and actions are far from Christlike. when I have to mutter to myself "murder is against the law", I hide my anger deep down not allowing most people to see that side. But when I am happy, which is most the time, it's like a complete 180 I am happy, I love people (even the people that I have problems with), I want to make connections, and I am more charitable. I love my Father in Heaven...and I know that He loves me.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Spiritual Awakening

One year ago I was diagnosed with Insilin Resistancy and also Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I am currently taking 1000 mg of metformin twice a day. Over the last year, I just took my medicine an honestly didn't really exercize much or at all, and I didn't paymuch attention to what I ate. But I got my blood work done a few weeks ago, and unfortunatly the numbers where worse. so I realized that I can't simply just go on a diet in hope that I will be skinny and in perfect health, but that I have to constantly try and to make a lifestyle change for me to reach that ability of being a heathy person. I don't want to have diabeties, I don't want to be constantly worrying about wheather or not I am getting the correct nutrtion that I need to be ok. I want to be healthy. I want to love myself. I want to be proud of myself. I want my future to be more succsefull because of this journey. Over the next year I promise to all of my readers that I will work hard to be a better person, and treat you and myself with the love and respect that we deserve. With Christ all this are possible!