Friday, January 20, 2012

the test is in!!

So I finished all of my paper work for the biggest loser today and handed it in. YAY So I know this is something I don't want to admit but its aways healthy to disclose to those who are here for me to support me and love me. So my test results is that I weight 187.8 lbs, with a 33.25% body fat index. I am 5'3". yes, I am obese. But that does not define who I am! I am a strong, powerful, and independent women! Mybest friend Kevin, has always been there for me, and especially through this kind of problem. He has always told me to focus on a pound a week, and not nessisarily a lot of weight in a short period of time, because that is when you just gain it back plus some. I don't want to do that, I want to improve my standard of living and my health. So...... these are my befores..... yeah..... gross. But this is where I stop doing things as I have an make the change to do better. So my goals for this journey is by the end of this semester to be at least 15 lbs lighter, with a 27% body fat. progress for the sake of progress, over the next year I want to weight 145 lbs. with a 25% body fat. This is my goal. But I just want to feel and look better, that is the ultimate goal.

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