Monday, January 16, 2012

First Step

One of my very dear friends that I have been able to talk to about a lot of the problems in my life. She is also a health major here at school, she told me about the "Biggest Winner" Competition. Just like the "Biggest Loser" on TV, it helps those of us that have more than just an extra 5 food baby pounds. But it also has the group enviroment that I believe that will help me to sucseed. I am driven to make changes in my life and especially when I know that people are going to be behind me pushing and supporting me to do better but at the same time not pushing me over. I love my mom but it annoys me when she thinks by reading a church article that, that will change everything. And mom if your reading this, I love you. I am like my Grandma Murdock I am a very stubborn, independent person and unfortionatly some lessons I'm not going to learn untill I shoot that high powered rifle and it SMACKS me in the face! lol. But my personal goal is to loose 20 lbs. I know I need to loose more than that, and after I reach 20lbs I will reset my goal if I feel (and the doctor) feels like I need too. I start the Biggest Winner on the 20th. Oh and I saw this picture on a friends Facebook, and I thought it was hillarious!!! We should start mass producing them and giving them to the guys on Campus!!! lol

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we could get grandma to crochet one of those for your Dad! :)
