Sunday, January 15, 2012


One of my good friends came and hung out with me this weekend, and we were talking about my journey and he made the note that one of the things that will help all the rest of my life's goals is my spirituality. Becomeing a true desiple of Christ. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundently." John 10:10 Christ came to earth and suffered more than any mortal man will ever have to suffer to save each of us expecially me so that I can return to live with my father in heaven again. But also so that I can experience happiness and be able to recognize the difference from saddness. I have my days when I'm really unhappy, when everything in the world seems to be getting me down when my thoughts and actions are far from Christlike. when I have to mutter to myself "murder is against the law", I hide my anger deep down not allowing most people to see that side. But when I am happy, which is most the time, it's like a complete 180 I am happy, I love people (even the people that I have problems with), I want to make connections, and I am more charitable. I love my Father in Heaven...and I know that He loves me.

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